Welcome to cs30.de

We offer a variety of cloud services to help you stay connected and productive.


Nextcloud is a self-hosted file sharing platform that allows you to store and access your files from anywhere. With Nextcloud, you can share files with your team, collaborate on documents in real-time, and keep all of your data secure.

Matrix Synapse server

Our Matrix Synapse server allows you to set up your own chat and messaging platform for your organization. Matrix is an open-source, secure, and scalable solution that can be customized to fit your needs.

Bookstack wiki

Bookstack is a simple and powerful open-source wiki platform that allows you to create and organize documentation for your team. With Bookstack, you can easily create and edit pages, add images and files, and collaborate with your colleagues.


GitLab is a powerful and flexible open-source Git platform that provides source code management, continuous integration, and more. With GitLab, you can easily collaborate on code with your team, track and resolve issues, and deploy code with confidence.


Bitwarden is a secure and open-source password manager that helps you store and manage your passwords, logins, and other sensitive information. With Bitwarden, you can easily generate strong passwords, log in to your accounts with a single click, and access your data from anywhere.


Jellyfin is a powerful and flexible live streaming platform that allows you to share your content with the world. With Jellyfin, you can easily set up and customize your stream, interact with your audience, and track your performance.

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